Stinctual Summons

Crossword: It’s Perfectly Unambiguous
A crossword by Nathaniel Sandalow Ash: "Subcontinental Sovereign." "Crepuscular Hamster Alternative." "Putz."
From Bohemia to the Black Arts Movement (and Beyond)
The roots of the ’60s Black Arts Movement lie in the same period of urban transformation that encompassed urban renewal and the rise and fall of the earlier bohemia. Hundreds of thousands of Black migrants from the south arrived in several waves before and after World War II — and until 1948, racist restrictive housing covenants and other forms of discrimination kept them concentrated in a South Side “Black Belt” and a West Side ghetto where homes were subdivided and increasingly unlivable.
In Arboreal Time, A Collection of Photographs of Me Standing in the Middle Of Nowhere
oh look, oxtail soup,
oh look, throng in corridor,
oh look, leagues of Sung Tongs pustule,
oh look, lake como play tide in a movie,
oh look, of all stripes pruning the hedges