Still from Vitalina Varela (2019) – Pedro Costa

The last movie I saw in theaters before the pandemic was Vitalina Varela by Pedro Costa, on February 26, 2020. I took two pages of notes while watching. When I checked to see what I’d made of the movie, I saw that I’d written sentence after sentence on top of one another, producing a mostly illegible tangle of language. Resolved so far as possible from near-abstraction into words, my recorded thoughts on Vitalina Varela are as follows:


        I film,
Early soldiers molten, to where ghosts ghosts
    of town
Fro ntal shots, like portraits.
Characters waiting, washing,
Like               a Greek chorus
       their heads turned down
    —the welcoming crew   

Something — Ventura’s glinting babbling. the
Not senseless pupils, but a leather jacket like Beckett’s 
Not I or Play. a discombobulated
    reconstruction of events
One of de Cooch’s interiors, but 
            Dilapidated, darkened. Angular
diagonal rooms, alleyways —
Cabinet not of a stories Caligari

Because they don’t communicate 
Ebneverstion-tongue, tongue, onsy utter casuals no
To wanted, pornlegal, 140 I stoll yestry cudgel
“I’ll die” 
The Union of Salt and Sand
The affliction took many forms: one man refused to sit down, afraid he’d shatter his buttocks; another tried to fling himself into a kiln, in hopes of being remade as a goblet.
Sibley’s Guide to Midwest Birds
Illustrated guide to Midwest birds.
Stupid Black Bull in the Dark
I'm afraid to hurt someone. Why would I hurt someone for no reason? I'd rather sit around and gossip. But I don't feel ashamed to be totally exhausted by life.